Messages from Pastor Rich

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October 10, 2024

We’re Not Yet What We’ll Be, but We’re Rising All the Time in Spirit     

"Christ’s parable [Matt 13:24-34] tells of the yeast which the woman mixes in 3 measures of flour until it is all thoroughly and completely leavened and ready for baking. Our new yeast, or leavening agent, is the faith and grace of the Spirit. It does not change the whole lump at once but gently, and gradually, we become like this new leaven and eventually even, a bread of God. Our earthly life, therefore, is not righteousness, but rather growth in righteousness; not health, but healing; not being, but becoming; not rest, but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it. The process is not yet finished, but it is happening. This is not the end, but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being made new and pure in Christ by the Spirit’s work in us".–Luther’s Defense & Explanation of All Articles; c.1521 (my nuanced translation).

Warm greetings; This month’s selection is from Luther’s response to the Pope’s official condemnation of 41—out of Martin’s original 95—theses as heretical and dangerous; these numbers suggest, by-the-way, that they agreed on 57% of Luther’s initial theological questioning—weird, right? That being said, many of Martin’s notions within this passage still read as both challenging and engaging spiritual principles or, as I would suggest that we should make bold to name and claim them, essential central Christian truths. Luther’s take on Matt:13 confesses a God who is with us as well as for us; here is a God who remains actively and relationally present to us throughout our lives in the continued offerings of God’s own grace and mercy and forgiveness and salvation as revealed through the lens of faith within the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ Jesus as God’s Son and our Lord. In this reading the faith we receive in, or perhaps even outside of, baptism from God needs to touch us only once and for a short time because faith is a singular and transformative contact event which sets in motion a slow and lengthy spiritual reaction that runs all through our own lifelong soul journeys. Once the yeast is in the dough it is forever changed and changing. From this view God’s love for us is forever ongoing and our living into the righteousness Christ continually offers remains persistent and present within both our failures and successes as God’s broken people made new daily in faith. There is room for errors in this version of God’s scorecard and they do not detract or abolish God’s ongoing work in, with, and through us all. Faith is the offering that keeps on giving; God’s process isn’t finished yet. 

Yours in Christ, Pastor Rich

2025 Startup

A Word from Pastor Rich



We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children—a Navajo proverb

Let us seek not to preserve the church of our past; rather let us keep those traditions that we believe may serve God’s future saints until the day Christ returns (pastor’s notion of an application) 

Greetings Peace-folk, it is the beginning of our school year in this university town, and so, if we are honest with ourselves, it is also the beginning of our church year proper. And that is as-it-should-be since we as church are called to be in the world but not of the world (John 17:15). It is honest and we are doing good church if we at least feel some of that tension, yeah. And so I’d like to direct your attention to a couple-of things which have been on my mind looking ahead with leadership to the next several months. 

Our council needs fresh, committed, eager leaders who wish to pursue excellence in the coming year; our current leadership is tired with the current pace of service—this can and will change. Peace Lutheran’s work is too important for us to lose our capacity to continue due to a lack of vision and internal stewardship. Please prayerfully consider both, where you might lead or serve and, more importantly, please voice where you see talent within our midst directly and encourage one another to lead in key positions at this time. I know I’m new and I know council turnover is like this but the right people in this cycle seems really important to Peace’s future effectiveness and growth. Please ponder these things and encourage your siblings in faith to come forward.

Peace is a big and lively community with a lot going on; and that is great and wonderful. Kindly remember that it is part of being so big and diverse that attracts new folk to us whether as members or just friends and worship attendees. Please trust our leadership to handle the formal asking and just enjoy our guests and gladly celebrate with them. Evangelism is tricky and has changed over the last few years, nuff said; what worked in the past may seem pushy by today’s standard. Please also model grace about things like calendar mixups and lost emails, etc; our staff does the best they can to coordinate our large vibrant faith community. It is our richness and vivaciousness that attracts new folks and probably attracted you, but with that blessing comes an ever increasing amount of logistical complexity which we are trying to address as best we can through careful visioning and intentional leadership.

Change is inevitable and it is also part of how God works, especially in Christ (see New Testament and Old). Remember in this busy Fall that you are loved at Peace Lutheran; you are important to us and our leadership is available to counsel and comfort you gladly, to help you experience God’s grace in Christ as truly the best news still. So, love one another in patience, sacrifice, and forgiving, as well as giving. Hold tight and expect some turbulence because we are full up with and in the midst of Christ’s Spirit most assuredly. Take time to breathe and cherish the moments this Fall because these too are the real blessings.

May you know some measure of peace and gladness in these startup weeks; yours, Pastor Rich 
