Messy Church

SundayNovember10 1050PM 1150PM
Fellowship Hall

Do You Have A Strong Urge to Be Messy?
Come Join Us at A New and Exciting Ministry Opportunity!
10:45 a.m. to Noon

What is a messy church – did someone forget to clean up when they used the Fellowship Hall? No!
Messy church is an exciting ministry opportunity for all ages to meet together and learn about Christ through games, crafts of all kinds, music, and storytelling from the Bible.

A foundational ingredient of Messy Church is to gather around a table for a snack or meal to build relationships with all PLC generations, God, and the world.

This will replace all other Sunday School classes on that day only and we will attend Messy Church on the first Sunday of each month except January.

Don’t be shy – let us meet together and celebrate our love of Christ with each other, God, and the world around us!

Meet You At Messy Church!

For further information, contact the Church Office at 979-693-4403.

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